Monday, March 19, 2012

Back in shape!

Hello everyone. Today I'm going to write a short blog about how to recover from being rather "inactive" so to speak. Inactive would be defined as a person who typically walks 2 or less miles per day. Let's start with a few simple things to get you walking more everyday. 1) Park your car far away when you go shopping, to work, or anywhere else. You'll get a few extra steps in (and your car will be more protected from other people's doors!). 2) Take the stairs. I know this one has been beaten to death, but the incline of even a short set of stairs will be quite a workout! If you must take the elevator (i.e you need to get to the top floor), walk up a few floors and take the elevator from there! 3) (this one is for the pet owners!) Instead of letting your dogs outside to do their business, take them on a short walk! They will enjoy it!

That's all for today!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day One

Here we are at day one of fitness tips. I hope you found the twitter account alright! Starting tomorrow I will be posting a blog every other day containing some detailed exercised and links to healthy recipes. I hope you enjoy!